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Use address 460 Bald Fork Rock road to get within a mile of your cabin, since gps directions are not always 100% accurate please use the following directions.

You will follow hwy 11 to hwy 498,or  hwy 52 to hwy 498 (depending on the direction you are coming from) to arrive at 460 Bald Fork Rock Road, within a mile of this address you will notice the entrance of our property on your left there will be a (mock cabin) and a sign welcoming you  toThe ReLode. The ReLode RV Park will also be to your right of this entrance. Make a left turn into the entrance of our property and follow the gravel road straight. You will pass campsite 1 on your left, campsite 2 on your right along with the bathhouse. Please keep straight past the bathhouse, past campsite 4-5 on your left, you gradually go down a small hill to where you will start seeing the cabins. The first cabins on your left are Cabin 2 and Cabin 1. If you look to your right in front of cabin 1 there is a gravel road that will lead you to cabin 3 on your left and cabin 4 on your right. If you follow the road straight past cabin 1 you will see cabin 5 on your left  and the next on your left our last cabin #6.

Approximate Driving Distances

Lexington, KY – 1.5 hours
Cincinnati, OH – 2.5 hours
Louisville, KY – 2.5 hours

Knoxville, TN – 2.5 hours
Columbus, OH – 4 hours
Nashville, TN – 4.5 hours
